Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon.

Wisdom Teeth & Surgical Extraction of Teeth

Instructions :

1. You have just had a tooth surgically removed. This is a minor surgical procedure and requires care and attention on your part to avoid problems.

2. Remove the cotton pack after an hour. If there still seems to be bleeding place a fresh cotton pack for a further half-hour.

3. Some bleeding is to be expected and blood stained saliva is normal for the first day. However if there is profuse bleeding and if your mouth fills up with blood clots contact the doctor at the number given to you.

4. Apply an ice pack externally for 2-3 hours after surgery. The pack should be applied and taken off alternately for 10 minutes at a time.

5. Avoid rinsing the mouth on the day of the surgery. If you must rinse, do so only after 2 hours, very gently and with ice cold water from the fridge.

6. You may eat or drink after 2 hours. For today your diet should consist of soft and cold food such as milk, ice-creams, milk shakes, custards, curd, fruit juices, rice kanji, dal, soups, khichdi etc. etc.. It is important to eat well. Eat small amounts of food at frequent intervals.

7. Avoid hard-to-chew and spicy foods.

8. Take medicines as instructed. Avoid taking medicines on an empty stomach unless specifically instructed to do so.

9. The next day you may apply a hot water bag from the outside over the area of surgery.

10. The next day you may rinse with warm water and salt. Take a small glass of warm water and add a teaspoonful of salt. Rinse your mouth with this water holding it in the affected area until it is cold. Spit it out and repeat 2-3 times. Do this 3 times a day until the stitches are removed.

11. Since this surgery is more complicated than normal extraction of a tooth the following complications may occur.

a. Swelling at the site of surgery. This may increase for the first two to three days and then slowly decrease.

b. Difficulty in opening your mouth.

c. Pain and discomfort.

d. Sore spots at the corner of the mouth.

e. Difficulty in swallowing and a sore throat on the side of the surgery.

f. Bluish black discoloration of the face especially below the eyes in case of surgery for upper teeth.

g. Numbness of the lower lip. This is an uncommon complication but can occur as the roots of the wisdom teeth are very close to or in contact with the nerve that supplies the lip and this nerve can get damaged while extracting this tooth. The sensation will generally return in a few weeks to a few months.

h. Numbness of the tongue. This is an uncommon complication but can occur as the nerve supplying the tongue is very close to or in contact with the wisdom tooth and can get damaged while extracting this tooth. The sensation will generally return in a few weeks to a few months.

12. Sutures (stitches) have been taken. If they are not the dissolving kind you will need to come back after a week for removal of the stitches.

In case of emergency contact Dr. C.P. Mathai on 8813260 or Mobile No. 98201 40801 .

Your appointment for removal of sutures is on the

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